North Fork Payette River Watershed Coalition

Join Us for our Fall Community Event

Wednesday October 23rd, 4-6pm

Kelly’s Whitewater Park Welcome Center

Community members have been working hard to identify and prioritize actions that will benefit our watershed, and quality of life for all!

The event will be set up with stations for the community to mingle and have conversations around the workgroup recommendations and priorities.

Check out the Flyer

Thank you for attending our April Watershed Workshop! View the workshop slideshow here.

About 70 community members gathered from across Valley County, Zoom, and beyond. This meeting introduced the NFPRWC role in Valley Soil & Water Conservation District’s mission to promote healthy local natural resources for everyone to enjoy. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Specialist, Dani Terhaar, presented data on Valley County watershed health and projections. USBR representative Melissa Jayo shared water quality improvement grant resources that the Coalition can access going forward.  

Participants worked together to rank their shared watershed concern priorities. They reported back to the larger group and agreed to form the first four community breakout groups that focus on development, water temperatures, rural & stormwater discharge, and human wastewater management. You can sign up for a breakout group to work with here, or write-in a new breakout group that you’d like to see at the next Coalition workshop.  

Our June workshop will focus on breakout group discussion and work time. The Coalition will bring resources that breakout groups can use as tool to further explore their watershed concerns and potential action.