LEARN MORE ABOUT: Closing America’s Wastewater Access Gap (CAWAG)

LEARN MORE ABOUT: North Fork Payette River Watershed Coalition

Find out more about Events in your watershed

Upcoming Event:

Watershed Tour

September, Date TBA

Join us on a tour of the major areas of concern for our watershed. See first hand what is happening in our county, and learn about the community initiative to solve these problems.

Read more about previous events

April 25 Watershed Workshop Recap

Thank you for attending our April Watershed Workshop! View the workshop slideshow here. About 70 community members gathered from across Valley County, Zoom, and beyond. This meeting introduced the NFPRWC role in Valley Soil & Water Conservation District’s mission...

June 12th Watershed Coalition Recap

On June 12th community members from across Valley County gathered to continue the discussion and work of the North Fork Payette River Watershed Coalition. The Coalition is guided by the Valley Soil and Water Conservation District and was formed to engage the community...