North Fork Payette River Watershed Coalition

Join Us for our Fall Community Event

Wednesday October 23rd, 4-6pm

Kelly’s Whitewater Park Welcome Center

Community members have been working hard to identify and prioritize actions that will benefit our watershed, and quality of life for all!

The event will be set up with stations for the community to mingle and have conversations around the workgroup recommendations and priorities.

Check out the Flyer

Helping Manage and Conserve Natural Resources for Current and Future Generations

Serving Valley County Since 1957

The Valley Soil & Water Conservation District has implemented natural resource conservation programs and provided assistance to local landowners since 1957. The District provides technical, financial, and educational assistance to private landowners and our community partners to help conserve soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources.

Conservation districts were organized nationwide as part of the soil conservation movement of the 1930’s and 40’s in response to the Dust Bowl ecological disaster. We are one of fifty conservation districts in Idaho tasked with leading efforts to conserve, sustain, and enhance Idaho’s private and state lands.

Now You Know!

Small steps you can take at home to help protect our water and soil here in Valley County

Phosphorous-Containing Products Contribute to Harmful Algal Blooms

On your property:

  • Use no-phosphorus or low-phosphorus fertilizer to avoid over-fertilizing. On fertilizer packages, phosphorus is normally the middle number.
  • Pick up after your pets and keep large livestock off your streambanks.
  • Use landscaping practices that stop or slow runoff from your property.

In your home:

  • Use low- or no-phosphate cleaning products. Some soaps, detergents, and household cleaners contain phosphates. Consider switching to cleaning products branded “phosphate-free” in the store.


When was the last time you thought about your septic?

Everything you pour down a drain in your home ends up in your septic system. If your septic isn’t working properly or is outdated, everything you put in your sinks, showers, and toilets can end up in our groundwater, surface water, or even our drinking water. This can contribute to harmful algal blooms and well-water contamination.

Your septic system should be pumped out and inspected every 3 to 5 years. Taking care of your septic system extends the life of your tank and drain field and saves you money. A properly-functioning septic system also protects your property value, the environment, and you, your family, and your neighbors’ health.

If you live in the South Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (SLRWSD), have a septic system in need of pumping, and your septic is located 1,000 feet or less from a surface water then you’re eligible for the Septic Tank Pump-Out Program. This program is funded by a State Source Water Protection grant and will reimburse you up to $200 for the cost of pumping your septic system. Program funding ends in October 2023, so apply now! 

Contact SLRWSD at [email protected] or VSWCD for more information.

Are those beautiful flowers actually noxious weeds?

Did you know that landowners are responsible for controlling noxious weeds on their land according to Idaho law? You can be charged if the county needs to treat the spread of noxious weeds from your property.

But don’t panic! It all starts with knowing what a noxious weed is and understanding how harmful they can be. Stop by the district office and pick up a copy of Idaho’s Noxious Weeds 10th Edition, or any other resource on various conservation practices you can use on your property. Every person can make a difference! For more information on noxious weeds and the products and equipment available for you to use, contact the Valley County Weed and Pest Control Department. (; [email protected])

Current Projects

From culvert and drainage improvement projects to installing fencing along Lake Cascade Wildlife Management Area, see what VSWCD is working on now!

VSWCD efforts featured in Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission Newsletter

Read about how we are working to improve water quality in North Fork Payette Watershed, Lake Cascade